Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Less Teeth

Gaius takes the drone back inside.

Terence still has the controller.

You'd better be the one in charge of that, says Pierre-Louis.

Yippee! says Terence.

I thought I was, says Squattu.

You'll be working together, seeing you both did so well, says Pierre-Louis.

We need more practice says Squattu.

Yes, says Terence. Let's have another go.

I don't think... says Pierre-Louis.

But just then Gaius calls him inside.

We need to book our train tickets, says Gaius. 

I thought Arthur did that sort of thing, says Pierre-Louis.

I suppose I could call him, says Gaius.

He tries.

Arthur answers.

What's up?

Is there any chance you could get tickets for me and Pierre-Louis on the Overland? asks Gaius.

Can't you? asks Arthur.

You always seem to be able to get a good discount, says Gaius.

Okay, says Arthur. I'll try. 

Are you busy? asks Gaius.

Yes, says Arthur. We're trying to organise an ad on the back of a bus for Great White Teacher.

Don't let me hold you up, says Gaius. But I would like those tickets asap.

Sure, says Arthur.

Arthur heads back to the shallows to continue the photo shoot.

Great White Teacher is trying hard to look friendly.

Less teeth! suggests Sweezus.

Great White Teacher tries smiling again.


Where is that drone? asks Gaius. I thought I put it down on the table.

Terence took it back outside, says Pierre-Louis.

Curses! says Gaius. We can't afford any more trouble.

They go back outside.

Squattu is high up in the pencil pine.

Terence is below, with the controller.

The drone is hovering level with Squattu.

Squattu dives into the pencil pine branches and emerges with a tennis ball.

Yay! cries Terence.

What's going on? says Gaius. 

She got the possum! says Terence.

Possum, what possum? asks Gaius.

The tennis ball, says Terence. It's the possum. 

Hum, says Gaius. Very good. But of course in a real situation I wouldn't want her to get her claws into the possum.

It's a tennis ball, says Squattu, not a real possum. In a real situation, I'd take a photo.

Very good, says Gaius.

And perhaps conduct an interview, says Squattu.

Gaius is beginning to think that Squattu has been an excellent find.

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