Sunday, December 17, 2023

O Temptation!

That was not my intention, says the quoll.

What then? asks Barb.

I brought the parrots together, says the quoll. My facial expression was meant to show joy.

Joy? says Barb. Then you should have been smiling.

But, I considered the effect of my teeth, says  the quoll.

How about a gesture? says Barb.

Yes, a gesture, says the quoll. Any suggestures?

What? Oh! Ha ha!, says Barb. Suggestures. Tzeets! Come down!

The Tzeet brothers and their partners descend from their airy reunion.

How did that look? asks Skye.

Very moving, says Barb. But the quoll wasn't in it.

And I should be in it, says the quoll.

He should, says the missing Tzeet brother. We could do it again on the ground.

That would look wrong, says Sweetheart. Bird reunions occur in the air.

Or amongst branches, says Skye.

Ding! says the quoll. I'm very agile at climbing.

That's an excellent suggesture, says Barb.

Huh? ask the Tweet brothers.

A joke the quoll made, says Barb. I suggested a gesture, and quick as a flash he came out with it.

A gesture? asks Skye.

No, a joke, says Barb. Never mind. A tree reunion is better than a gesture.

Okay, says the quoll. Which tree shall we use?

Preferably one with a good view from below, says Barb. Because I'm not good at filming while climbing.

That's fair, says Sweetheart.

The Tzeets select a suitable tree with suitable branches.

Barb is ready below.

And...action! says Barb.

The quoll whizzes up the tree to the suitable branch, and waits, looking joyful, insofar as he can without his teeth showing.

Sweetheart and the Tzeet brother alight beside him.

O temptation! 

It would be so easy to gobble up Sweetheart.

The missing Tzeet and Skye land on the quoll's other side.

The quoll makes a gesture.

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