Saturday, December 30, 2023

When A Tree Is A Tree

Sweezus! says Baby Pierre.

Baby Pierre, says Sweezus. How're you going?

Great! says Baby Pierre.

Come in, says Pierre-Louis. 

Sweezus leaves his bike outside and enters.

Baby Pierre wheels his tiny bike into the house.

Gaius isn't here at the moment, says Pierre-Louis. He's gone off somewhere, training.

I know, says Sweezus. Just saw him. It's Baby Pierre I came to see.

Me? says Baby Pierre. I'm not joining your team!

Wasn't going to ask you, says Sweezus. You'd get us disqualified.

Ha ha! laughs Baby Pierre. Us free thinkers like to cut corners.

Yeah but you should wear a helmet, says Sweezus.

I NEVER wear a helmet! says Baby Pierre.

He's a pebble, says Pierre-Louis. What harm could he come to?

He could crack his skull, says Sweezus. Which is basically his whole body.

I do have legs, says Baby Pierre, showing them. 

They are short and skinny.

I came to ask you a favour, says Sweezus. Can I borrow your bicycle for a video I'm working on for Gaius?

Would I be in it? asks Baby Pierre.

Not exactly, says Sweezus. The bicycle will be ninety percent hidden behind a tree. But you could be on it.

Behind a tree? says Baby Pierre. Tell me more about this video.

Long story, says Sweezus.

I've got time, says Baby Pierre. 

Sweezus tells Baby Pierre about Gaius's Tzeet notes and the accompanying video only being published in Velosophy if there's a bicycle in it.

Why choose my bicycle? asks Baby Pierre.

Beause they decided to make it a readers' competition, says Sweezus. Find the hidden bicycle. So we reckoned the bike should be small. And with green wheels ideally.

Sticking out from behind a tree! says Baby Pierre. I like it. The answer is yes. Which tree do you want it behind?

Any tree. A tree's a tree, says Sweezus.

To you and me maybe, says Baby Pierre. But not to my bicycle.

Baby Pierre's bicycle had been thinking that same thought exactly.

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