Monday, April 1, 2024

Forced Into A Packet

A nurse enters, to check on Arthur.

How are we feeling? asks the nurse.

Sticky, says Terence. 

Not you, dear, says the nurse. I meant our patient.

Arthur feels better, but does not say so.

He's eaten a great deal of chocolate, says Katherine. I hope that's all right.

We'll soon see, says the nurse.

She checks his blood pressure, which is normal.

That's good, says the nurse. Normal. 

She goes out of the room.

Do you feel normal? asks Nerida. 

No, says Arthur. 

You look normal, says Gaius. Perhaps it's the chocolate. You did eat a lot.

I didn't, says Terence. I wasn't allowed to. 

Where have you put your chocolate Freddo? asks Katherine.

Nowhere, says Terence. He's still in my hand.

Terence opens his hand

Freddy has finger-dents across his belly.

He's melting, says Nerida. Put him back in his packet.

I lost it, says Terence.

Arthur has packets, says Nerida. 

She picks one up from the floor under Arthur's bed.

Terence forces Freddy into the packet.

Why? asks Freddy.

He keeps asking why, says Terence.

Who does? asks Katherine.

Freddy, says Terence.

Ask HIM why, says Nerida.

Terence peers into the packet.

Why do you keep asking why? asks Terence.

Why? says Freddy.

He said why again, says Terence.

He wants to know why you want to know, says Nerida.

I DON'T want to! says Terence. 

Freddy sighs, or he would do, if not for the finger dents in his belly. 

Why was he chosen?

And why was he forced into this packet, which feels far too tight?

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