Sunday, April 14, 2024

The Better Maths

Greedy is fixed

How do I look? asks Greedy.

Normal, says Terence.

Same as before? asks Greedy.

Not exactly, says Terence. 

You have white spots, Greedy, says Katherine. Due to your holes, but they look quite becoming.

Becoming? says Terence. What are they becoming?

Not bigger, I hope, says Greedy.

As long as you don't over-exert yourself, says Katherine. They should stay the same.

Yes, take it easy, says Nerida. 

Is this Biloela? asks Gaius. 

They have passed rocky scree slopes, and basalt columns, and are now going through open woodlands with vine thickets, in the Shire of Banana.

Just coming up, says Nerida. Take a left into Gladstone-Monto Road.

Gaius takes a left.

Nearly there, says Nerida. Turn right into Tableland Road then it's twenty five k's to the park boundary.

Excellent! says Gaius. 

We'll be there in time for lunch, says Katherine.

We must set up camp first, says Gaius. But that shouldn't take long.

Five tents, says Katherine. It could take a while.

They're supposed to take seven minutes to pitch, says Nerida. That's a total of thirty five minutes.

I'll do mine, says Terence. Then it will only be thirty.

Twenty eight, says Greedy. Thirty five minus seven.

Yes, says Terence.

Is twenty eight, says Greedy.

You're good at maths, says Nerida.

It's the fingers, says Greedy.

Good to know, says Gaius. I might make you responsible for the frog count.

What about me? asks Terence.

You'll be busy pitching everyone's tents, says Nerida. 

That's not fair, says Terence.

He sulks for a few minutes, until he realises:

She thinks his maths is better!

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