Friday, April 5, 2024

The Chosen One

Gaius pulls Freddy out of his pocket.

I forgot you were in there, says Gaius.

Why? asks Freddy.

How does one know why one forgets things? says Gaius.

Freddy does not know the answer.

So he remains quiet in his ripped open packet.

He looks up.

Where are they?

A camping shop, and Gaius is next in the queue.  

How may I help you? asks the assistant.

I'm here to pick up five one-person tents which have already been paid for, says Gaius.

Ah yes, says the assistant. Have you got the receipt?

I did have, says Gaius. 

He puts Freddy down on the counter and feels again in his pocket.

Chocolate frog? says the assistant. How come the packet's open?

A long story, says Gaius. This frog's packet was lost. We obtained an empty packet, and tried to force the frog into it, but it became evident that the frog had melted in the meantime, and become wider. However, thanks to a young colleague with artistic talents, it has been reconstructed. Would you guess there's a bead in its head?

No I wouldn't, says the assistant. A friendship bead, is it?

I believe so, says Gaius. How did you know?

The girl who came in with the woman who ordered the tents was wearing friendship bracelets, says the assistant.

So you put two and two together, says Gaius. Well done.

When you've finished nattering, says the person behind Gaius, I'd like some service.

Apologies, says Gaius. I'll be on my way as soon as I pick up the tents.

The assistant goes off to find them. They'll be out the back somewhere.

You want to be careful, says the person behind Gaius.

I beg your pardon? says Gaius. 

A bead in a chocoate frog's head. What if someone tries to eat it?

I hadn't considered it, says Gaius. This frog is not destined to be eaten. It has been chosen.

That's all very well, says the person behind Gaius. But what if a kid sees it and, not knowing any better, eats it and chokes on the bead?

I see your point, says Gaius. I shall act to ensure that won't happen.

He eases Freddy out of the packet.

He rubs Freddy's forehead, until the surface of the bead is exposed. 

Y, says Gaius. Very appropriate. It is typical of Nerida, to think of such things

Freddy thinks so too. 

He has a Y on his forehead and everyone can see it.

He looks forward to camping. The Kroombit frogs will know he's been chosen.

The assistant comes back with the tents.

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