Monday, April 22, 2024

No Horse No Treasure

They finish looking at Beautiful Betsy and trudge back to the campsite.

What did you make of that, dear? asks Katherine.

It was like the end of a movie, says Nerida.

Or the other way round, says Katherine.

Huh? says Nerida.

The end of a movie is like what actually happened, says Katherine. 

Good point, says Nerida. 

What's this? asks Gaius.

Nothing, says Katherine.

I said it was like the end of a movie, says Nerida. 

How so? asks Gaius, who rarely sees a movie. 

It's the irony and all that, and the pathos, says Nerida.

Except it was real, says Katherine. That was the point I was making.

I see, says Gaius. But he does not see. He has been thinking ahead.

As is Freddy. 

We should come back with Greedy, says Freddy.

Yes, says Terence. Then she'd see her name on the letter.

My name, says Freddy.

And hers, says Terence. Almost.

How almost? asks Freddy. 

Greedith, says Terence. Dear Greedith and Freddy. 

It was Edith, says Freddy. 

Close, says Terence.

I bet she wouldn't have thought so, says Freddy.

I bet she would, says Terence.

You're on, says Freddy.

What does that mean? asks Terence.

It's a bet. If I win, I get something. If you win you get something.

A horse, says Terence.

Not a horse, says Freddy. 

Okay, says Terence. And what do you get?

Your best treasure, says Freddy.

Okay, says Terence.

He doesn't have a best treasure. He used to. But he lost it.

So ha ha! Freddy can't win.

The bet is on.

They approach the campsite.

The low sun casts long shadows. 

Water trickles. Frog noises start up.

Greedy stirs in the food tent. 

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