Saturday, April 27, 2024

The Inseparables

Terence may have perfect balance, but he has tripped on a root in the dark.

Trip! Bumhole! Uhh!

He rights himself.

See! says Terence.

That was a close one, says Freddy.

It's your fault, says Terence. You wanted my hands close together.

Sorry, says Freddy. You can hold them apart if you like.

I thought you wanted to talk to Kroomby, says Terence.

I did, says Freddy. But she's talking to Greedy.

It's true. The Kroombit tinker and Greedy are talking about gender issues.

Yes, (Greedy has been saying), I was not always a female.

No kidding (the Kroombit tinker has replied). What were you before?

I hadn't thought about it, says Greedy. Until I met Kobo. She taught me to speak without opening my mouth, just like she does.

Is she a rubber glove too? asks the Kroombit tinker.

No, says Greedy She's a fossilised clam.

That explains it, says the Kroombit tinker. 

She likes to read books, says Greedy.

I love to read books, says the Kroombit tinker. I was in the middle of one when they brought me out here and dumped me.

On your own? asks Greedy.

No I was with twenty four others, says the Kroombit tinker. But they were not readers.

What were you reading? asks Greedy.

A short novel by Simone de Beauvoir, says the Kroombit tinker.

I didn't know she wrote short novels, says Greedy.

It was short, says the Kroombit. But I didn't get to finish it.

I'll ask Kobo if she's read it, when I go home, says Greedy. And if she knows the ending, I'll let you know what it was.

You are sweet, says the Kroombit tinker. It was called The Inseparables. But how will you do it?

I'll send you a letter, says Greedy.

So we have seen how Freddy felt left out of this conversation.

And now, they have arrived at the crash site.

They know because Terence has tripped on the propellor.

Bumhole! Stupid propellor!

He rights himself.

We made it! says Terence. Find the plaque, Freddy

Freddy cheers up. 

Now it's his time to shine.

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