Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My Cat Day

I am not a cat person but I have had a cat day. I blame this on yesterday, and Li Feng's cats.

How to have a cat day:

See a cat : Well, I have done that. I saw a cat on the way to the shops. It was a tabby cat. I didn't know it was a tabby cat. When I got home I googled Tabby Cat and found a picture of a tabby cat and, sure enough! it was a tabby that I had seen. It said miaow and ran away, into a garden.

See another cat: I have done that too. I am now going to break a serious rule. It's my rule, so I can break it. The rule is: never write about the shapes you see in clouds. Okay so now you can guess that I probably saw a cloud shaped like cat. Well, yes and no. I saw a cloud. It was vaguely round, with protuberances. So it could have been a cat's head.

See another cat: I have done that. I was looking for this one. I knew it was there, you see. And I knew I was having a cat day too. That's why I was looking. It was on the counter of the Cherry Blossom Sushi Bar in Foodland Mall. At first I couldn't see it. I was doing that thing where you keep walking at a constant speed but you turn your head slowly backwards, if you know what I mean. I almost didn't see the cat. Then I did. A gold ceramic Maneki Neko cat beckoning the customers with its left paw. I looked at it long enough to determine which paw. At the time I didn't even know that was important.

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