Monday, April 12, 2010

Uneventful Walks - 4

How many more uneventful walks are there going to be? asked Pliny the Elder.

Just one more, I replied. The evening walk.

Good, said Pliny. Because there is only so much interest to be found in reading about another person's uneventful walk.

I know, I said. And I am sorry for that, but I'm doing it because I'm interested in trying to describe the walks in terms of directions, orientations, and landmarks, rather than giving a literary description, and it is very difficult, but I feel I am getting somewhere. I want my uneventful walks to be like maps.

They are like maps, said Pliny, and I am glad there is only going to be one more of them. Have you not thought that it would be easier to simply draw maps?

It would not be easier for me to draw maps, I said. I can tell you that right now. Please let me get on with the fourth and final uneventful walk, and then we can get on to a topic you prefer.

Alright, said Pliny. But you don't have time now. And so you will have to finish it tomorrow. You should think about changing the title of this post.

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