Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Objection! cried Pliny the Elder.

Overruled, I replied. I know what you're going to say.

I am going to say it anyway, continued Pliny, crossly. You had no right to write what you wrote yesterday. I have not read The Rum Rebellion. It was you.

Call it artistic licence, Pliny, I said carelessly. I thought it sounded better coming from you.

Artistic licence! he roared. Artistic defamation more likely. I will not be a false mouthpiece for another person's opinion.

Sorry, Pliny.

Well, please do not do it again. What's that you're reading now, by the way?

It's Zorba the Greek. My daughter gave it to me. It's not the sort of novel I would normally choose......

What nonsense. It sounds exactly the sort of novel you would choose.

Really? I thought it sounded more like the sort of novel you might choose. Would you like to read it after me?

I'm sure I shall not need to.

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