Monday, August 13, 2012

A Cleft In A Replica Rock

The Museum of Central Australia was part of the Araluen Cultural Precinct. Arthur knew this because he had a map. He followed the map down Red Centre Way to Larapinta Drive. This looked like the place. Now to find the Giant Varan. He went inside.

Can I help you? said a woman, coming up.

Yes I'm looking for the Giant Varan said Arthur. Or pieces of it.

You want the replica of the waterhole, said the woman, it's over there.

Thank you, said Arthur, and set off in that direction.

A replica. Arthur had  thought he was going to see the real thing. He kept on walking.

His knees began to itch.

He felt in his pocket for a bandage.

He pulled one out.

It was a long and dirty bandage, and when it finally emerged from his pocket something else fell out as well, and clattered to the floor.

It was the glittering knife.

Arthur bent down to pick it up.

Too late!

An attendant was running towards him.

Hey! said the attendant. You've got a knife!

Don't worry, said Arthur. I'm putting it back in my pocket.

No don't, said the attendant. Let me see it.

Arthur presented the glittering knife.

Just the thing, said the attendant. Come with me.

Arthur followed the attendant to the replica waterhole.

See down there, said the attendant, pointing towards a cleft in a replica rock. Would you mind jiggling your knife around in there and trying to winkle him out?

Him? said Arthur.

Him, said the attendant grimly. And the other one.

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