Monday, August 20, 2012

Sticks and Bones

Arthur came out.

Gaius! said Arthur. Nice bike! Are you riding it to Alcoota Station?

No, said Gaius. Just to here. I want to have a look at Araluen. I want to see the fossils and the waterhole

They're only replicas, said Arthur. Crocodiles and giant birds and stuff. No giant claw.

Nonsense, said Gaius. It must be here.  It will be out the back, being examined, no doubt. Who's coming in?

Not me, said Ageless.

Not me, said Baby Pierre.

Not me, if Baby Pierre's not, said Ouvert.

Nor me, said Lavender.

Come with me then, said Arthur. I'm going to see the Albert Namatjiras. Dr Yates said they were good.

Gaius went into the Museum, while Arthur took the others to the Namatjira Gallery.

You go in, said Arthur. I'm just going to the toilet.

What are Albertnamajeeras? whispered Lavender.

I don't know, said Ouvert. I hope they're not BONES.

Oh so do I, said Lavender. And I hope they're not .......STICKS.

They won't be STICKS, scoffed Baby Pierre. But they might be bones.

They walked into a gallery. There were paintings on the wall. A group of elders was standing in front of one of the paintings, discussing its merits.

Whatever you say, said one, it's bloody good.

I didn't say it wasn't, said another. I said it wasn't traditional.

Depends, said another. It's kind of like traditional.

Yeah, said the first. WESTERN traditional.

But way more deadly, said the third.

They must be Albertnamajeeras, said Lavender, softly.

Let's ask them, said Baby Pierre.

Excuse me, he said, coming up behind the group of elders. Are you.... Albertnamajeeras?

Jeez! said the first elder. Where'd that voice come from? I'm out of here.

The elders walked out of the gallery, quite fast.

Arthur came back.

What do you think of the Albert Namatjiras? he asked.

They've left now, said Lavender. But they knew heaps about art.

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