Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Like a Curly-Wurly

No one could sleep, except Ageless. The night was too scary.

Boo! Boo! went the boobook owl. Or was it the ifrit?

Emerald poked Ageless awake.

You got a book, she said. Read us a story.

Croaaak! said Ageless.  Whaa?

How can he read us a story? said Lavender. It's too dark.

I might have a torch, said Arthur.

He felt in his pocket, but there was only the glittering knife.

It's too dark to read you a story, said Ageless, waking up properly at last. But I've been reading all day. I could tell you a story.

Tell us about the three ladies, said Lavender. What happened to them?

The youngest was rich, said Ageless. She went on a journey and was shipwrecked. On an island she met a young man. He was excellent in attributes, supple and handsome. His appearance was like a sugar stick, with a well-proportioned frame.....

A sugar stick! scoffed Emerald.

A sugar stick! giggled Ruby.

A sugar stick, marvelled Lavender. Ageless,  what does that mean?

I don't know, said Ageless. I suppose he looked something like Arthur.

Everyone looked at Arthur.

Arthur hadn't been paying attention. He was bored with the country and bored with the story.

What? said Arthur.

The girls think you look like a sugar stick, said Baby Pierre.

Who cares what they think? said Arthur. And I don't look like a sugar stick. What's a sugar stick anyway?

It's in Ageless's story, said Lavender. The handsome young man looks like a sugar stick, with a well-proportioned frame.

So it has a frame, muttered Arthur. Must be .... a Curly-Wurly.

Emerald and Ruby knew their snack bars. They thought Arthur was probably right.

And Ageless went on with the story.

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