Saturday, August 4, 2012

The Impossible Varan

Arthur was packing. He was going to catch the Ghan to Alice Springs with Gaius. From there they would head out to Alcoota station and the site of the giant fossil dig. He didn't know anything about Central Australia. Or packing. He stuffed some spare bandages into a bag.

Then he remembered he hadn't called Sweezus.

Ring ring!

Hello! said Sweezus.

Hello, said Arthur, it's me.

Who? said Sweezus.

Me, Arthur, said Arthur.

Where've you been? said Sweezus crossly. When are you coming round?

Sorry, said Arthur, I've been hijacked by Gaius. He wants me to go to Alcoota with him on the Ghan. That's a train, he added.

I know it's a train, said Sweezus, but why are you going? Oh wait a tick!  I know! The Claw!

Yes, the Claw, said Arthur. The boring, boring Claw. He thinks it might be the claw of a giant ....errr.... Varan?

Wooo! said Sweezus. A Giant Varan! That was in a movie I saw.

Was it? Arthur was suddenly interested.

Yeah, a Japanese movie made in the fifties, said Sweezus. The Impossible Varan or something. They fired light bombs at it. The light bombs had Special Gun Powder inside. It ate one and died. No wait a minute. the bomb exploded but it didn't die. Not straight away. It went into the water.

Then what? said Arthur. Then did it die?.

It ate two of the bombs, said Sweezus. Then, when it went into the water, the second bomb exploded.

Then it died! said Arthur.

Yep! Then it died, under water. At least that's what everyone thought.

Oh wow! said Arthur. Well I'm going to look for it, with Gaius.

Lucky bugger, said Sweezus. Call me when you get back.

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