Friday, October 12, 2012

Bahloo The Moon and His Deadly Snakes

The Malingees whip out their stone knives, and wave them at Arthur.

Go now! says the first Malingee, before we do you damage.

With stone knives? says Arthur. They won't be sharp.

Sharp enough! says the second Malingee, lunging forward.

Stop! says the zircon. In the name of!

BWAHAHA! laugh the Malingees.

I have powers, says the zircon.

No, you don't, says Arthur.

Well, does he or doesn't he? asks the second Malingee.

It's irrelevant, says Arthur. I'm hallucinating. So you're not going to touch me.

See! says the zircon. You won't touch him. That's my power.

The first Malingee looks confused at this, but the second Malingee is something of a scientist.

Let's find out! says the second Malingee.

His knees rattle harder. Rattle rattle! His eyes smoulder and glow red. PFFFF! He thrusts his stone knife at Arthur, who kicks it aside. Thrust! Kick! Thrust!

Arthur receives a scrape on his left knee. It begins to bleed.

There! says the scientific Malingee.

 I have a bandage somewhere, says Arthur, sitting down.

The Malingee is surprised to have drawn blood. Usually people run away before that happens.

It's a stand-off. No one knows what to do next.

The zircon decides to start a sensible debate.

Let me put it to you, says the zircon to the Malingees, that my powers prevented something worse from happening.

Rubbish, say Arthur. It was your boasting that provoked them.

No, it was your taunting that provoked them, says the zircon.

Blood was drawn, says the second Malingee. So we won in any case.

I already had scabs, says Arthur. It was an easy win.

Are you Malingees the only evil spirits around these parts? asks the zircon.

YE-HE-HE! says the first Malingee. NO! Look up in the sky and see.

See what? says the zircon.

Bahloo, the moon up there, says the Malingee. He keeps three deadly snakes.

Hardly a local then, scoffed the zircon.

But listen! HISS!! HISS!! HISS!!

What's that hissing sound?

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