Monday, August 5, 2013


The philosophers have made it to Chirnside.

Now where is my house? says David, looking round.

Don't you remember? says Vello.

It was near a river, says David. I used to play there. The River Whiteadder.

They locate the river and follow it. They come to a fence, a wide stretch of grass, a large house, named Ninewells. It has a sun room, a swing in the garden, a large animal lurking outside.

Something's wrong, mutters David. It's not Ninewells. We had no sunroom or swing. And where are the cows?

Is that not a cow? says Vello pointing at the animal.

No papa, says Belle, it's a very large dog.

The very large dog barks in an unfriendly manner. The owner comes out.

Can I help you? says the owner, in a tone that means please go away.

I fear not, says David. I used to live here, but everything's changed.

And who might you be? says the owner.

David Hume, says David. As a child I played by the river. We had cows.

My goodness! says the owner. David Hume! And you became the famous philosopher. You are well thought of in Chirnside. Do come in and have tea and scones.

Really? says David. Thank you very much. We should very much like tea and scones.

They go inside. They are served tea and scones in the sun room. It is hot in the sun room. The owner tells David the old house was pulled down and rebuilt in the nineteenth century, which is why it looks different these days.

And now you have added this delightful sun room, says David. How very pleasant it is.

Vello smirks into his tea cup. Ha ha! The Scots and their sun rooms!

But his host does not mind. Wait till he tells everyone at the the Chirnside Common Good Association who came to tea!

At last the three cyclists take their leave.

Before you start back for Edinburgh, may I suggest you drop in to the Red Lion in the village, says their host. And order a beer

This sounds like a good idea, so they head off to find the Red Lion.

David orders three beers.

You look like an Enlightenment man, says the barman.

I am indeed says David. How did you know?

Lucky guess, says the barman, handing David three glasses, and three bottles of Enlightenment Beer.

David looks at the labels. How embarrassing! His profile in cameo, above the words David Hume, Philosopher, Enlightenment Beer, and at the bottom of the label the motto: It's the thought that counts.

What will Vello say?

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