Saturday, August 3, 2013

The Art And Science Of Motion

The next morning David, Vello and Belle are cycling to Chirnside. Belle has hired a bike and packed a picnic lunch. The sun is shining. Scotland looks nice.

What a wonderful play that was last night, says David. I'm so glad we went.

Me too, says Belle et Bonne. Quantum mechanics. Now I understand why I understand nothing.

And why we cannot be certain of anything, says Vello. Including where anything is. How far is it to Chirnside?

That depends on where we are, says David.

I trust you know where that is, says Vello. How far is it from where we started?

Eighty kilometres from Edinburgh, says David. A doddle for us, after the Tour.

It's so pretty, says Belle. All these meadows, and the wildflowers at the side of the road. What are those ones called, David?

Those are thistles, my dear, says David. I'm surprised you don't know.

No, not those ones, those ones, says Belle, nearly falling off her bicycle.

Buttercups, says David.

Lovely, says Belle. Just like home.

Is it lunch time? says Vello.

No, says David. At least one thing is certain. We still have a long way to go.


Back at the hotel, a package is waiting at reception. It is addressed to Belle et Bonne.

Inside the package is Kobo, the beloved of Ageless. She is in a bad mood.

She may be a fossilised clam, but she can hear everything, and she knows where she is.

She is in Edinburgh. The very last place she would have wanted to go. She had longed to see Paris, even if it meant seeing Ageless. She is so over Ageless. It's his fault she is here.

A man comes to the counter to make a booking. He pokes at the package.

Dinna poke at the package, says the receptionist. Tis for the young lady from Paris.

Oh aye, sorry, says the man. Do you have a room?

Aye, says the receptionist. Just a wee one. Tis busy in August ye know.

Aye I know, says the man. I'm a poet. I'm here for the Poetry Slam. Ma name's Burns. Rabbie Burns.

Oh aye? says the receptionist.

Aye, says the man.

Kobo's mood changes all of a sudden, inside the package. Of course, the Festival is on! That's why Ageless is here. He's following Arthur. Arthur is a poet. It all makes sense now, she is certain.

She hopes Belle claims her soon. Where can she be?


A train pulls in to Edinburgh station, thanks in part to quantum mechanics.

Arthur gets off, with his knife.

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