Saturday, August 3, 2013

We Can Be Sure Of Nothing

It is five o'clock, in Edinburgh. Belle et Bonne and David are at the World's End, waiting for Vello.

What do you think of the World's End, Belle? says David.

It's nice, says Belle. It's so atmospheric.

It's about to become more atmospheric. In comes Vello.

He waves the end of a black bun in one hand and flaps a Haggis flavoured crisp packet in the other.

Outrageous! says Vello. What disgusting food! No doubt the beer is as bad.

Papa! says Belle et Bonne. It's a charming old pub. So historic. Do you know why it's called the World's End?

Pchah! exclaims Vello. It's quite obvious.

Not at all, says David. It's where the poor folks who couldn't afford to enter the city had to stay in the old days.

Exactly, says Vello. What are we drinking?

Guinness, says David.

Good, says Vello.  I'll have a Guinness. What's up, Belle?

Oh papa, says Belle. Some thing awful has happened. I promised Ageless a reward for tailing Arthur and the reward was his Beloved, and she's arriving tomorrow in a package sent on from Paris.

So the Beloved arrives in a package? says Vello. How bizarre. Goodness me, that reminds me. Did you know what they found in a cave up on Arthur's Seat? Seventeen tiny coffins with wooden figures inside.

What? says David. When was this?

In 1836, says Vello.

Witchcraft, says Belle with a shiver.

Or Burke and Hare, says David, darkly.

Surely not, says Vello. What would be the point of Burke and Hare putting wooden figures in coffins and then hiding them?

Good point, says David. And fine Guinness, too. Let's have another.

They order another round of Guinness, and David risks a packet of Scampi flavoured crisps.

Vello takes a Scampi flavoured crisp. Crunch! He doesn't even notice the flavour.

But what about the Beloved? says Belle et Bonne. She'll be so upset. Coming all this way in a package only  to find her own Beloved has been made a gift of by Froomey and eaten by Wiggo in London?

Vello laughs.

You couldn't make it up! he declares. But who is to say that it may not end happily?  At this point in time, all is flux and uncertainty. We can be sure of nothing. Cheer up Belle!

What a coincidence, says Belle, cheering up. We've bought three tickets for The Principle Of Uncertainty, and we're going tonight!

Wonderful! says Vello. That sounds right up my alley. Well done, you and David.

Now all three are good friends again.

It is an unexpected example of how the principle works.

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