Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Truth Is As Slippery As An Eel.

The playwright glares at Arthur, tightening his grip.

Face the FRONT! says the playwright fiercely, twisting Arthur's neck.

I am, says Arthur. I am facing the front.

Now you are, says the playwright. Stay that way and pay attention. You might learn something.

About Pravda handbags, says Arthur. And truth and reality and fakery and forgery. I get it.

I don't think you do, says the playwright. You have no idea. Tell me, what does Pravda mean?

A brand name? shrugs Arthur.

No, that's PRADA! says the playwright. The PRADA is the real handbag. The PRAVDA is the fake. Do you know what PRAVDA means?

It means truth, in Russian, says Arthur. I'm not a fool. It's the name of a Russian newspaper. So it is a brand name. But I understand you're being clever.

The playwright calms down a bit on learning that Arthur is no fool, and thinks he's clever.

Come and have a drink with me afterwards, says the playwright.

No thanks, says Arthur. I'm seeing Rosie afterwards.

So am I, says the playwright.

All right then, says Arthur, standing up.

Sit DOWN, thunders the playwright. It's not finished.

One of Arthur's gold coins falls through the slit in his pocket, onto the floor. The other one stays put, being wedged in by a crumpled dirty bandage.

Arthur hasn't noticed but the playwright has. He is sensitive to noises, in the theatre.

He bends down to pick it up. He straightens, and turns to give it back to Arthur, who has disappeared.

Good! says the playwright. Peace and quiet. I'll find him later.

He sits back to enjoy the rest of his dazzling two-hander.


Arthur has gone out to the foyer, to meet Rosie.

Out already? says Rosie. Didn't you like the play?

Want the truth? says Arthur.

Ha! says Rosie. Can we know it?

I know it, says Arthur.

What is it? says Rosie.

The truth, says Arthur, is as slippery as an eel. But the world is full of facts not things.

Tell me one, says Rosie.

I've lost something, says Arthur. And I don't care.

That was two, says Rosie.

It was, says Arthur  And now its only one.

Let's go, says Rosie. To the World's End.

So that is where they go.

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