Sunday, July 5, 2015

Stage 2 : Utrecht to Zélande - Mindless

Clear skies for a warm start in Utrecht.

Vello looks for Gaius at the start line.

There he is, on a racer.

See that? says Vello to David. Different bike. And yesterday Gaius looked positively robotic.

As we all did, says David.

Nit picker, says Vello. I'm just saying, that's all. Something funny's going on with Team Condor.

Team Condor? says Rafal Majka, who is lined up behind them. This is the team with the Foreseeing Dog?

So I believe, says David cagily.

Let me tell you something about that Dog, says Rafal Majka.

What is it? asks Vello.

It knows nothing, says Rafal Majka.

Bang! They are off.

Sweezus, Arthur and Pablo are sticking together.

Gaius (the real one) is riding in front.

And now, a surprise for nearly everyone.

Surfing-With-Whales rides by in bright blue.

Guys! says Surfing-With-Whales, passing them quickly.

As well he might. Why is he riding for Team Astana?

Why isn't he stuck on Nauru?

No time to ask, no time to answer.

There is a rumour the weather is changing.

It gets windy fast and the peleton splits as it does in that circumstance.

Who can say why?

It is as though the peloton were segments of a caterpillar.

Or a tape worm.

Or an amoeba...

Or mindless bacteria....


Arthur and Pablo are in the front echelon.

They are keen to reach the bad weather as fast as they can.


The reeds beside the canal blow wildly.
The poplars sway.
The sky blackens.
The rain lashes down.


Farky-Om-Farky is watching the finish with Belle and Terence.

(The sun has come out again, it is fine).

Terence is waving a parrot which he made earlier.

Who are you going for, Terence? asks Belle.

The winner, says Terence. This one! No that one! Yippee!

Andre Greipel just pips Peter Sagan.

That was exciting, says Belle.

Not for me, says Farky-Om-Farky.

Mister know-all, says Terence. So NOW what's going to happen?

You're going to be sad, says Farky-Om-Farky.

No I'm not, no I'm not, says Terence.

Farky-Om-Farky bares a fang and pops Terence's parrot. POP.

Terence is sad.

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