Saturday, July 11, 2015

Stage 8 : Rennes to Mûr-de-Bretagne - Irresponsible

Stage 8, from Rennes to Mûr-de-Bretagne.

It is chilly but sunny in north western France.

Gaius rides up alongside Team Philosophe.

The three of them ride companionably.

You know, Gaius, says David, sometimes I forget you're with Team Condor.

So do I, says Gaius. This is just like old times.

No it isn't, says Vello.

See what I mean? says Gaius.

Ha ha, laughs David. How's Team Condor doing?

You'd have to ask Sweezus, says Gaius. But in my opinion he's losing the plot. Arthur and Pablo are thick as thieves, hatching poems, while I'm treated like a dogsbody. What about Team Philosophe?

A tragedy, says Vello. David are I are performing better than ever, but with only the two of us......

Ah, says Gaius. The team trials. You need at least five riders. We're in the same pickle. We only have four.

But there are two of you, says David. You, and the other one, who rides Schopenhauer's bicycle.

At first Gaius looks blank. Then the penny drops.

O genius! says Gaius.

He drops to the back of the peloton to pitch the genius plan to Sweezus.

Well, says Vello to David. Fine day's work YOU'VE done.


Terence waits at the feeding station, holding up a musette, which Farky is sniffing.

Get away, says Terence.

You're too early, says Farky. Put it down.

No way, says Terence. You'll eat it.

I won't says Farky. Unless it's got bones.

You should know, says Terence. It hasn't. It's got water and Power Bars and gels.

Yuck, says Farky. I only like bones

But, says Terence, you can't eat bones, because ha ha, you've broken your teeth!

What a little shit Terence is. Farky gives him the evil eye.

Evil Eye >>>>>>>

Vincenzo Nibali flashes by, intercepting it unintentionally.

So Terence, says Farky, how come you're doing this? How come you're not on the back of Belle's motor bike with the card and a crayon?

I got into trouble, says Terence. BIG trouble.

What did you do? asks Farky.

I drew a big three, says Terence.

Is that all? says Farky.

On it's side, says Terence.

So, like an M or a W? says Farky.

No, like a big bottom, says Terence. With lots of dots coming out. Belle didn't like it. So she got someone else. And I have to give out the food. Watch this!

He opens his musette and takes out a Power Bar. Waves it at ... oh no! Alberto Contador.

Contador is a professional. He knows the Power Bar is not his. He rides on regardless.

Terence unwraps the Power Bar, and licks the chocolate dots off.

So irresponsible.


Meanwhile the rest of the race is unfolding.

Vincenzo Nibali, thanks to the EVIL EYE, loses time.

Alexis Vuillermos wins the stage to the delight of Team AG2R le Mondiale and all French persons.

Froomey retains the yellow jersey.

And that's it for today.

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