Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Tour de France Rest Day: Gap - Contador's Fork

Valence is a long way from Gap, where the Tour is now having a rest day.

Belle gets up early.

Now, papa, says Belle, Arne and I will be back before lunch time with Terence. All you have to do is find the park. And David can bring the hamper. Here's the bread. And the wine's in the cooler. Bye bye.

Bye bye, dear, mumbles Vello, rolling over and falling asleep again.


Later, in the park, at the end of Avenue Maréchal Foch, on the grass beside the river Luye, under shady trees ..... (yes, Vello was listening):

Sweezus: When did she say she'd get back?

Vello: Any time now. Have some black olives and walnuts.

David: And a glass of Clairette.

Sweezus: Olives? Walnuts?

Arthur: I will, if he won't.

Pablo: I don't like walnuts, what else is there?

Vello: For goodness sake, look in the hamper.

Pablo (looking) : Bleu de Vercours Sassenage cheese! And Picodon!

Gaius: Any fish?

Pablo: This looks like a trout.

Gaius: Excellent. Any one got a fork?

No one has a fork. Belle doesn't appear to have packed one.

Luckily, just at this moment Alberto Contador passes by, wheeling his bicycle and chewing on a churro, deep in thought. (Alberto, not the churro).

Vello: Morning, Alberto!

Alberto: Hola, mis amigos!

Pablo (in Spanish) : Don't suppose you have a fork on you, Alberto?

Alberto (also in Spanish): It is your lucky day. They have packed a fork into my lunch box with my churros. I do not need it. I will give it to you.

What a gentleman; Everyone says so.

Pablo: What do you think of your chances, Alberto?

Alberto: The peloton becomes tired. I feel stronger. I will be attacking. I want first place on the podium in Paris.

Pablo: Good luck to you,  Alberto.

Alberto: Thank you, my friend.

Alberto wheels away with his bicycle. still chewing his churro.

Gaius stabs at the trout, with Alberto Contador's fork.

Soon Belle arrives, with Arne-Doppelganger and Terence.

Terence: Look at me! I'm wearing a snake!

Sweezus: It's a ribbon. Awesome. How does it stand up like that?

Belle: He won't take it off.

Vello: Hello, Terence. Did you have a good time in Valence?

Terence: I made a new friend. He's called Willy. He lives on top of an archway, in a triangle. He's got my shorts and I've got his snake. It's not a ribbon. See, a snake face.

Vello (peering indulgently): Oh yes, a snake face. Ssss!

Belle: Don't humour him papa. We need to find him a new pair of shorts.

Terence: NO! Okay, it's a ribbon.

Belle: We'll see.

But now it is time for the honey and apricots, the melons and nougat, the famous Valrhona chocolate,
and more Côtes du Rhône wine, and sparkling Clairette de Die.

All in all, an excellent picnic.

Although Sweezus would kill for a churro.

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