Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Hello I'm Riding Uphill

I'm off, says Sweezus. Practice with the guys.

Ah yes, says Vello. Got a team up already?

Yep, says Sweezus. Me, Arthur, Pablo and Dries. Dries is pretty crap though. See you later.

He is just going out of the door when the phone rings.

It's Gaius.

Is Sweezus still there?

No, says Vello. He's left. Can I help you?

Probably not, says Gaius. Remember those bird calls? What were they?

Tic! Chack! and .....another one, says Vello, glancing at baby B-B.

But baby B-B, far from being alarmed, is pecking at Terence's splinter, while Terence is squirming.

Good, good, says Gaius. And do you remember the name of the website?

Gaius, says Vello. Do your own research. I'm busy.

Has Arthur turned up? asks Gaius.

No, says Vello.


Gaius is at home. He has opened his notebook.

He has searched for and found a sharp pencil.


That is all very well, thinks Gaius. But there is more to survival.....

He thinks about baby B-B and the dangers he faces.

He imagines a scenario in which no other bird is nearby.

A predator approaches. (A fox or a hawk)

There is no one to warn baby B-B.

And who is responsible? He.

He calls Arthur. No answer. He calls Pablo.

Hello, says Pablo. I'm riding uphill.

I'm planning on going to Queensland, says Gaius. To the Brain Institute, to research mantis shrimp optics, and I need Arthur with me. And I'd like the rest of you boys to keep an eye on the Bristlebird.....

I don't think so, says Pablo. The Tour Down Under is next month. There won't be enough time.

Nonsense, says Gaius. I'll be back before then. I'm also a rider.

I'll ask Arthur, says Pablo. 

Ask me what? asks Arthur.

Gaius wants you to go to Queensland, says Pablo. To study shrimp brain optics.

Lucky you, says Dries. I am very much into that sort of thing.

Yeah? says Sweezus. Since when, mate? 

Dries could go, says Arthur. A free trip to Queensland. 

What about the TEAM, guys? says Sweezus. Practice?

I need much practice, says Dries.

And he wants us to keep an eye on the Bristlebird, says Pablo. 

No way, says Sweezus. Tell him no. Shit, he still owes me money......

Dries can take the bird with him, says Arthur. It has to learn two more names.

And yeah, he can take Terence, says Sweezus. Because they're inseparable.

Are they? says Arthur. No one told me.

Yep, says Sweezus. So! Sorted! Arthur, you're a dead set genius!

Dries wonders how all this has happened......

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