Friday, December 11, 2015

The Blank Shit

Baby B-B can fly now.

He flies round the office.

He flies out of the open window.

He flies back inside.

It is difficult to stop baby B-B flying long enough to learn the names of Twenty Persons.

Stop flying for a minute, says Dries.

Flap-flap. Can't I learn the names while I'm flying? asks Baby B-B. What's the first one?

Océane, says Dries.

No one said they were French names, says baby B-B. That's extra.

Bet you can't even say it, says Arthur.

Océane, says baby B-B, with an impeccable accent.

Awesome, says Sweezus. Let me try. Océ-aaane.

Shut up, says Pablo. She was my beloved. To hear her name now makes me sad.

I don't want to make Pablo sad, says baby B-B. I'll just learn nineteen names. Give me the whole list.

Robbe, Maxime, Manon, Jens, Arnaud, Silke, Hanne, Anais, Niels, Dries, Maarten, Amandine, Lore, Stijn, Arno, Femke, Jorne, Fien, Luna, says Dries.

Robbe, Maxime, Manon, Jens, Arnaud, Silke, Hanne..... says baby B-B. how am I going so far?

Amazeballs! says Sweezus. That's seven.

Eight, says baby B-B.

He's counting Océane, says Dries.

Yes I am, says baby B-B. And you are insensitive.

She's my cousin, says Dries. Go on...

Anais, Niels, Marten, Amandine, Lore, Stijn, Arno,  Femke, Jorne, Fien, Luna, says baby B-B.

You left me out, says Dries.

On purpose, says baby B-B.

That is not satisfactory, says Dries.

It will have to be, says baby B-B, because from now I am becoming a blank shit.

Silence reigns, as everyone takes in the implication.

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