Tuesday, June 14, 2016

An Honourable Mention

Half an hour later, (it seems longer), Grizel and Katherine are in the Museum café.

They have ordered a plate of raspberry and blueberry friands.

Enter Sweezus and Arthur, looking for Gaius.

Sweezus and Arthur, having tried several Italian pastries on Lygon Street, are not averse to more cakes, if someone else is paying.

They look nice, says Sweezus. Friands?

They're for Gaius. He'll be here in a minute, says Katherine. He took Terence to see Bugs Alive.

Terence clatters into the café, carrying a cardboard Melbourne Museum box, followed by the Parrot.

Terence runs up to Sweezus.

Got a bug in there? asks Sweezus.

No, but guess what? says Terence. It's a cicada.

The Green Grocer Cicada does not wish to make a bad first impression. He rises and says:

These teeth are not my teeth.

That's right, says Terence. They're MINE. And he's a Green Grocer. And he's in a competition, and he's getting a tassel.

All I ask is an Honourable Mention, and to do some good in the world, says the Green Grocer Cicada.

That's awesome, says Sweezus. What good will you be doing?

Specifically, finding frogs under the snow, says the Green Grocer Cicada.

Yes, says the Elegant Parrot. Doomed frogs. And he only has one week to do it.

Two weeks, says the Green Grocer Cicada.

Button my beak, says the Elegant Parrot. I suppose I know nothing.

Gaius appears at the table.

Ah, there you are lads, says Gaius. I see you've met our Green Grocer Cicada.

It's lost all its teeth, says Katherine. .

It has no need of teeth, says Gaius.  These cicadas live underground for seven years, and only emerge for two weeks.

Then what? asks Grizel. And Gaius, do help yourself to a friand.

Where? asks Gaius.

The friand plate is empty.

I'll order some more, says Grizel, glaring at Arthur and Sweezus.

Then what? asks Arthur.

The Green Grocer Cicada looks up at the ceiling. He doesn't know what.

But it will be quite long enough, says Gaius. One week will suffice for the frog hunt. Do you boys realise we must all be in France by July the second?

Yep, says Sweezus. No worries. And guess what we heard? We were talking to these guys and they reckon there's a full on Alpine Resort up at Mount Baw Baw. And it's been snowing.

The second plate of friands arrives.

Sweezus takes one. He imagines himself skiing.

Arthur takes one. He visualises himself on a super fast toboggan.

Gaius takes a third one. Eats it. Alpine Resort! Piffle! He won't be going anywhere near it.

The ladies finish their coffee.

Terence closes his box, with the dinosaur teeth and Green Grocer Cicada inside it.

The Elegant Parrot pecks at a raspberry seed which Gaius has left on the plate after picking it carefully out from between his teeth with a pencil.

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