Sunday, January 8, 2017

Proof By Numbers

Sweezus is in the shower.

Gaius is on the phone arranging a lightning trip to Roque Nublo.

Arthur is picking his knee scabs, watched by the young Pesquet.

Terence is counting the spiders.

He is determined to reach twenty seven.

But the tiny spiders, excited at being out of their egg sacs, aren't keeping still.

Six, says Terence. Seven. No, eleven.

This is the moment that Ying, Kong and Daniel O'Connell arrive back from Santa Ana Cathedral.

Look, says Terence. We've got baby spiders.

My relatives! cries Daniel O'Connell.

He rushes over to look at the babies.

Twenty two, says the Pesquet.

I knew it, says Terence. Twenty two spiders.

Scabs, says the Pesquet. It's disgusting.

Arthur doesn't care if the Pesquet thinks his scabs are disgusting.

Do any of them look like me? asks Daniel O'Connell.

He is no longer pale green, so it's possible.

The little spiders run all around Daniel O'Connell.

It's frankly annoying. He crushes a few.

We spiders do that, says Daniel O'Connell. Nature is profligate.

Your own children! says the Pesquet.

Steady on, says Daniel O'Connell. I was born in a poisonous cave in Romania.

Let's send one back to Diego, says Ying. He'll compare DNA. Then we'll know for certain.

She bends down to look at the tiny spiders.

One of them really does look like Daniel O'Connell.

This one! says Ying. Let's get a photo. It'll make a cool post card.

Daniel is not averse to posing.

He grabs the little spider. Yeeee! The little spider tries to get away.

It gets away, but one of its legs falls off, thanks to Daniel O'Connell.

Sad, but good for the post card.

Related in adversity.  A nice metaphor.

He he, sniggers Terence.

You can laugh, says Daniel O'Connell. We just saw your grandma. She was spooky.

I don't have a grandma, says Terence.

The Virgin's mother, says Daniel O'Connell. Saint Anne. Remember.

I don't remember, says Terence. What was she doing?

Staring, says Daniel O'Connell.

Staring. Just like the Virgin. Terence has an uncomfortable feeling that she could be his grandma.

Sweezus comes out of the shower.

That feels better, says Sweezus. What's up?

Twenty seven! says Terence. And one with a leg off!

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