Saturday, January 21, 2017

Stage Five: McLaren Vale to Willunga Hill - Anything Can Happen

Stage Five is a scenic stage through the vineyards and coastal regions of McLaren Vale, ending on a dastardly hill.

A dastardly hill that must be climbed more than once.

Everyone knows (except Richie) that Richie Porte will smash it.

Richie is cautious. He knows ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN.

If only today would be over.


Not everyone is being so cautious.

Baby Pierre is doing spins and wheelies around Nathan Haas.

Piss off! cries Nathan Haas.

Baby Pierre speeds up to annoy Esteban Chaves.

Vete! shouts Esteban Chaves.

Dedalus is powering ahead. He hasn't forgotten that soon he must climb the dastardly Willunga Hill.

To the uneducated eye, he doesn't look like a contender.


Sweezus is looking glummer and glummer.

Richie'll get it. Richie'll get it.

What's that? says Arthur.

I said Richie'll get it.

So what, says Arthur. You're the best rider.

Yeah? says Sweezus. You reckon?

Sure, says Arthur. And when it's all over we'll go surfing.

I'll come with you, says Pablo. We can surf and write poetry together. Now are you feeling more cheerful?

I don't write poetry, says Sweezus. I'm more like, creative.

Arthur and Pablo let him get away with that comment.


Willy Hill approaches, says Vello.

That's one way of looking at motion, says Marcel Duchamp.

I'm getting too old for this, says David.

You say that every year, says Vello.

Imagine, says Marcel Duchamp.

Imagine what? asks David.

Imagine you, superimposed on yourself, says Marcel. Over time... distance... motion....

I don't need to imagine, says David.

Look at the crowds! says Vello. Cheering and getting in the way. This is like the Tour de France, without the French people.

Imagine that, says Marcel Duchamp.

With all these imaginings, no wonder Team Philosophe is not winning.

Who is?

Richie. He is way ahead, 48 seconds in fact, still thinking:


And it does, but no one has noticed.

Dedalus is so tiny.

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