Wednesday, January 4, 2017

The Power Of Attachment

Arthur gets off the bus, with two shoe boxes.

He looks for the sign: Camino fondo.

He heads down the trail.

Two hikers are coming up from the bottom.

Hi, says the hikers. You're well prepared!

I always bring two extra pairs of shoes with me, says Arthur.

Hey look, says one of the hikers. Pesquet's Parrots!

Arthur turns. Looks. Yes it's those two Pesquet's parrots.

The shoe boxes might come in handy.

He makes his way down, in his soft suede and cork ridged sole Marges, not even sliding.

His friends have been waiting.

Arthur! says Terence. Look at my shoes!

Terence is standing in the middle of Sweezus's Havaianas.

Turns out he didn't have toe spaces.

Can you walk in them? asks Arthur.

Not yet, says Terence. I might need some string.

Arthur, says Gaius. Good of you to go to this trouble. Are these my shoes?

Yes, or these ones, says Arthur. We bought two different sizes.

I'll have the big ones, says Sweezus, opening the box with the size 44s.

Wicked! says Sweezus. Timberland Grafton Hikers. What's Gaius got?

The same, says Arthur. One size smaller.

Gaius tries them on. They pinch a little, but they will get him up the Caldera Bandama.

The young Pesquet flies in, trailing a bunch of long grasses.

String, says the Pesquet. Who's going to make it?

Me, says Terence. I can make string.

He sits down on a rock and starts breaking the stalks into pieces.

(This is not how you make string. Terence has wrecked it).

The young Pesquet flies off to get more.

Up in a dragon tree, the parent Pesquets are watching.

I'm so proud of our boy, says Mother Pesquet. Did you see how he simply...

......flew off to find more grasses, says Father Pesquet. Not one cross word did he utter.

Let's follow him, says Mother.

They rise up discreetly, and fly after their son, the young Pesquet.

Pesky has landed in some grasses. He bites at the stalks with his beak.

It's not what his beak has evolved for, but he is determined.

Mi picanini! cries mother.

Mother, cries Pesky. And Father! You followed me!

We did, says Mother. And we're proud of how grown up you are.

Come back with me, says the Pesky. Help me carry the grasses.

When they arrive at the campsite, Arthur and Sweezus have gone.

Leaving Gaius to figure out how to make string out of grasses.

And then, how to attach long Havaianas to Terence's short cement feet.

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