Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Done Is Done

Back in Steamers Café, Arthur and Sweezus are discussing marketing ideas.

Hessian bags, says Sweezus. Tied up with seaweed.

Hand printed, says Arthur. The bags, not the sea weed.


How about SEE SALT? says Gaius. With a double-E.

Not classy, says Sweezus.

Arthur agrees.

Only trying to be helpful, says Gaius.

You could think up some examples, says Sweezus. Like, how it works.

We were doing that in the car, says Arthur. The Growling Grass Frog scattered salt on Gaius's chinos and the salt formed an E.

Meaning? says Sweezus.

We're going to Ecuador, says Gaius. I wasn't going to tell you until it was confirmed.

Ecuador? How come? says Sweezus. If that's true, this Sea Salt's freakin' freak-balls!

It doesn't have to work, says Arthur.

I beg to differ, says Gaius. You should only market it if it works.

Exactly, says Arthur. We're selling a dream. But it's also real sea salt.

I get you, says Sweezus. It works.

It is at this point that Saint Roley and the Growling Grass Frog appear with the three Chocolate Tool Boxes.

Gifts from the chocolate shop, says the Growling Grass Frog. One for each human.

What is this? says Gaius, picking one up. Chocolate shaped as tools. Who dreamed that up?

The chocolate shop man, says the Growling Grass Frog. He wants you to spread the word about his chocolate.

I think I already did, says Arthur. A few years ago. Does he make that Vegemite Fudge?

I don't know, says the Growling Grass Frog, I only tried his new Easter egg. But it wasn't for frogs.

I didn't try it, says Saint Roley. I became despondent.

What about? asks Gaius.

Death and renewal, says Saint Roley.

Precious little of that in a chocolate shop, surely, says Gaius.

But...out at sea, says Saint Roley. My poor brother.

What's done is done, says the Growling Grass Frog. Look at these tools. A saw, pliers, hammer, spanner and a screwdriver.

Your general knowledge is remarkable, says Gaius.

I was born in the Coorong, says the Growling Grass Frog. Test me on weapons.

Everyone laughs, even though weapons aren't funny.

But it's true, what's done is done.

Even if it's your brother.

Saint Roley cheers up.

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