Monday, March 5, 2018

Little Danger Of Dying

In transit.

Saint Roley flies over the sand dunes.

It is early and some of the native vegetation looks like the hair of a woman.

Perhaps it is Margaret, murdered and buried, or buried alive and being eaten slowly by ants.

But there are too many of these hapless Margarets.

Saint Roley flies on.


In transit.

Grandpa Marx has woken from his post-prandial stupor.

The fish and chips last evening were good.

Now it is morning and he is returning to the campsite to see Terence.

He passes Saint Roley.

They stop, drop, and converse on the sand.


Also in transit.

Sweezus is checking out a surf app.

Sweezus: The better waves break on the outer bar, so it's a long paddle.

Arthur: Sharks?

Sweezus: Yeah plenty.

Arthur: That's good.


At the campsite.

Gaius's phone is dead, and he has no way to charge it.

Saint Roley has not yet come back.

Gaius decides to walk up to the Princes Highway.

The Growling Grass Frog waits in the sand dunes.

He dreams of the glorious future.

He is at the Newcastle University with Gaius. He is swimming in a slightly salty solution. His heart beats slowly. There is little danger of dying.


Gaius comes back.

Well, says Gaius, I met the Ranger, which was fortuitous. He tells me Margaret has returned to Adelaide with a couple in a Toyota. Her car is still in Kingston. It's up to me to retrieve it. I asked him to call Arthur.

Who is Arthur? asks the Growling Grass Frog.

A reliable young man, says Gaius. All we need do now is wait for him to turn up. The Ranger will give him our coordinates.


The reliable young man is now at the Granites, paddling to the outer bar.

Beside him is another reliable young man, just as fit and reckless.

Below them are numerous sharks.

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