Saturday, March 17, 2018

Spiders On a Plane

In the shed, red-back spiders lurk in dark places.

They would not call it lurking, but living the good life, in a shed.

Sweezus steps into the shed. Checks out the corners. Picks up an old hessian sack.

A few red-backs scatter. The Growling Grass Frog has followed Sweezus in hopes of a dinner.

Plong! He leaps and lands on a red-back. Squeerrsh!

He eats it. It tastes horrible.

He resolves not to try another.

Sweezus examines the sack.

It is dirty.

He carries it inside.

Needs a wash, says Sweezus. We got time?

No, says Gaius. We need to get to the airport as soon as possible.

Okay, says Sweezus. I'll have to bring it as is.

He stuffs it into his back pack.

Did you check it for spiders? asks Gaius.

Nah, says Sweezus. There weren't any.


It's not fair, says Terence.

It's not, agrees Saint Roley. But life is not always fair.

Blurk! says the Growling Grass Frog, sicking up two spider legs and a red portion of abdomen.

Now it's WORSE! says Terence.

They are in the overhead locker, because Arthur only booked three tickets.


Sydney and then what? says Sweezus, chewing his Jetstar muffin.

Bicycles, says Gaius. It's only one hundred and sixty three kilometres to Newcastle.

Thought we were in a hurry, says Sweezus.

We can do it in four hours, says Gaius. And it's cheaper than flying.

Yeah? says Sweezus, looking at Arthur.

Arthur is sleeping.

Sweezus elbows Arthur.

Arthur wakes up.

You've got a muffin, says Arthur.

Did you want one? says Sweezus. Have half of mine.

Arthur takes half a muffin.

Sweezus decides not to ask him whether flying to Newcastle would have been more expensive.

What's the point now?

Bang bang!

A loud knocking sound comes from the overhead locker.

Gaius stands up, because he has the aisle seat. He opens the locker.

A hessian sack falls out, followed by a dead frog, and Terence.

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