Tuesday, March 20, 2018

The Zeitgeist

Would anyone have understood the message, had it been noticed?

^ ^ ^

There were not enough grains of sea salt.

Ideally it would have looked more like this

^ ^ ^
 . . .

Here the dots would represent the grains of sea salt that fell through the open weave of the hessian sacking onto the Central Coast Highway.

Or a simple L N would suffice. L for lining. N for necessity.

But what does it matter? The sea salt lies on the road for an instant.

The wind blows it away.


Sweezus is level with Gaius.

Terence can now see Saint Roley, if he looks left.

You don't know Spanish, says Terence.

Did you get your own bike? says Saint Roley.

No, says Terence.  You said I wouldn't.

And I was right, says Saint Roley.

So what, says Terence.

Just being helpful, says Saint Roley.

Terence doesn't think that Saint Roley is being helpful.

He pats the hessian again, hoping there might be more spiders concealed in the folds.

Then he would catch one, and train it to speak Spanish. If it was good enough, it might be his new parrot. It would be better than Saint Roley.

Time passes in sweet contemplation of this.

Arthur is cycling behind Sweezus, watching idly.

This time, when Terence pats the hessian, Arthur sees flakes of sea salt fall out.

It will only be a matter of time before Arthur comes up with L N.

Or N L, which is the same thing, the necessity for adequate lining.

Thus works the zeitgeist.

It happens.

Arthur has an idea.

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