Sunday, August 5, 2018

My Heart Moves From Cold To Fire

Gaius has obtained a steaming kettle. He separates the folds of Vello's paper napkin, as they dampen.

Hurry up, says Vello.

Do you want me to do this or don't you? says Gaius.

Yes, but quickly, says Vello.

There, says Gaius. See what you've made me do?

Vello's head has been robbed of its features.

Never mind, says David. We all know what you look like. How is the bicycle?

Quite good, says Gaius. Basic. But it's only a statue.

The sculptor will make the best of it, says Vello.

Very wise, says David. Let's not miss the train.

They head for the door.

Terence is waiting outside.

What is it? snaps Vello.

Nothing, says Terence. I have to ask Gaius something.

Ask away, says Vello. He's in there, with a kettle.

What is it Terence? asks Gaius.

Is it too hot in Spain? asks Terence.

Depends, says Gaius.

That's what Saint Roley said, says Terence.

Did he elaborate? asks Gaius, interested in Saint Roley's reasoning.

No, says Terence. Do I have to come to Weeper?

No, says Gaius. You don't have to come. And it's Weipa not Weeper. But Humboldt and Saint Roley are coming.

And snakes, says Terence.

The snakes are already there, says Gaius. And they are exceedingly tiny.

He would take out his diagrams to show Terence how tiny, but they're not in this room.


Terence goes back to Sweezus's room. The door is open. Belle is inside, talking to Pablo.

I have to go home soon, says Belle. To run the office.

Nothing is extinguished or forgotten, says Pablo.

I'll stay in Paris a couple more more days, then head back to Adelaide, says Belle.

I'll be there in January for the Tour Down Under, says Pablo.

That's nice, says Belle.


Yes truly, says Belle.

My heart moves from cold to fire, says Pablo.

That's even nicer.


Sweezus opens his eyes and sees Terence, close up.

Last chance! says Terence.

For what? asks Sweezus.

To take me to Spain, says Terence. Otherwise I have to see snakes.

Only small ones, says Sweezus. You'll like it up there.

Up where? asks Terence.

Gulf of Carpentaria, says Sweezus, not thinking.

I hate carpenters, says Terence. And I hate golf.

Sweezus has only just woken up. But he knows what Terence is thinking.

GULF! says Sweezus. Water. CARPENTARIA, not Saint freaking Joseph.

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