Wednesday, August 22, 2018

My Pink Thing

On the Emirates flight from Dubai to Adelaide, Terence sits next to Saint Roley.

Behind them sit Gaius and Humboldt.

They hear the magic bracelet popping and tinging.

I was surprised he bought a slinky, says Gaius. I supposed he'd buy socks.

Did you see what it said on the packaging? asks Humboldt. It's educational.

 Popping open and surprising everyone, says Gaius. I don't see the value.

Boing! The magic slinky pops up above seat height. And drops down. Tinkle, crash!

See that? says Terence, standing up in this seat and looking over.

Yes, says Gaius. Where is it now?

Saint Roley's getting it, says Terence. See what happened?

It popped open, says Gaius.

Yes but HOW? asks Terence.

You tapped it, says Humboldt. You flattened it and then you tapped it and boing!

Correct, says Terence. I put it on my head. It was my crown!

Here it is, says Saint Roley, from somewhere on the seat in front of Gaius.

May I see it? asks Gaius.

No, says Terence. There's another trick I can do with it. No wait, yes, stick your arm over.

Gaius sticks out his arm.

Terence flattens the arm ring and pokes his arm through.

Now we hold hands.

Gaius grasps Terence's little cement fingers and claw.

Terence, who is higher than Gaius because he is standing, can now show Gaius the most amazing trick ever.

This will be amazing, says Terence. Are you ready?

Ready, says Gaius.

Terence sets the arm ring in motion. It slinks magically down his arm onto Gaius's.

Wonderful! says Gaius.

Now you stand up, says Terence.

Please remain seated, says the flight attendant. We are about to experience some turbulence. You too, little boy.

No, says Terence I have to get my slinky magic bracelet back.

I'll get it from the gentleman, says the flight attendant.

She looks at Gaius, expecting him to give her the slinky.

But Gaius is now fascinated by the interactive flow toy. As is Humboldt.

I can't get it off easily, says Gaius. I'll return it in a moment.

The flight attendant looks sympathetically at Terence.

Be patient. And do sit down, sweetheart.

Terence sits down and starts bawling.

What's the matter? asks the flight attendant

He wants to do the next trick, says Saint Roley. He wants to trap something inside it.

He's trapped the gentleman's arm inside it, says the flight attendant.

No, says Saint Roley. Not that. A small object, like a pink rubber fish.

I'll see what I can do, says the flight attendant, but he won't be able to do it until he gets his ring back.

At least this is progress.

She goes off to look for something like a pink rubber fish.

She comes back when the turbulence is over.

She has a pink rubber glove which she has drawn a face on. She has blown it up and sealed it off with a bread tie.

Who knew Emirates had bread ties?

Woo-hoo! says Terence. Can I stand up now?

Yes, says the flight attendant. Ask the gentleman to give you your toy back.

Look! says Terence, waving the pink rubber glove at Gaius.

Eureka! says Humboldt. Just what we need here!

He grabs it.

Gaius, who has (easily) removed the flow ring from his arm, now flattens the flow ring.

Humboldt places the inflated pink rubber glove inside it.

Tap tap.

Boing! the flow ring pops open and forms a circular wire ring cage.

The pink thing is trapped in the middle!

Terence looks daggers.

It's HIS slinky, and HIS idea.

And his pink thing.

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