Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Talk Creamy

Gaius is on his computer, buying tickets to Weipa.

Drat! says Gaius. We must fly to Cairns first, and then on to Weipa.

I don't mind that, says Humboldt. I should like to get a last look at the Great Barrier Reef. I hear it's dying.

So do I, says Gaius. Now who else is coming?

Me! says Terence.

Not I, says Saint Roley.

You have to come, says Terence.

Perhaps one of the others, says Saint Roley. I feel the need to retreat from society.

What others? says Terence. Pinky's useless.

Not so, says Kobo. Bring Pinky to me.

Humboldt gathers up Pinky, and places her on the widow sill, beside Kobo.

Blow her up again, says Kobo.

Humboldt blows air into Pinky. Ties her up with a bread tie, above the patch and the pencil hole.

She looks like five pink caterpillars escaping.

Pinky opens her eyes to see Kobo the fossilised clam.

Now dear, says Kobo. I have much to teach you.

I know enough already, squeaks Pinky.

Not so, says Kobo. Think of this. You could be your own person, with no hole. As I am.

Where's your voice coming from? asks Pinky. And why is it creamy?

Is it creamy? asks Kobo.

She knows it is creamy.

Yes, says Pinky. Teach me to talk creamy.

You're already doing it, says Kobo. Humboldt has tied you above both your holes, the mend and the one made by a pencil. Where do you think your voice is coming from?

O! says Pinky, trying to listen.

Ommm, says Kobo. It is coming from your Atman, or self within.

Can everyone hear it? asks Pinky.

Ask them, says Kobo.

Can you hear me, Terence? asks Pinky.

But Terence has danced down the passage.

Can you hear me, Saint Roley?

But Saint Roley has got out a bird book.

Can you hear me, Gaius?

Yes, says Gaius. Ah, it's you is it? Your voice sounds creamy. Are you coming to Weipa?

I must ask my spiritual guide, says Pinky.

Go if you wish, says Kobo. I might even come with you. We could run together on the sand and develop large muscles.

I'll come too, says Ageless. Crick crick,,,,,,

No crick crick and no rude commas about it says Kobo. This is between us women.

So I'm not welcome, says Ageless. Typical.

You may come, says Gaius, as you seem to know the habits of the bandy bandy.

Heh heh, smirks Ageless.

He is going to Cairns and then Weipa, with two succulent women,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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