Sunday, August 11, 2019

Cruel So-Called Uncle

Come, says Isidore. It's time I returned you to Gaius.

Wait, says Terence. I came here for two reasons and I've only done one.

What were they? asks Isidore, looking at his watch.

Mystery of the ocean, says Terence. That was easy.

Easy? says Isidore.

Too easy, says Terence. Next time I'm in the ocean I'll know that the mystery is PLANKTON.

I imagine you're not allowed in the ocean, says Isidore.

I'll know from the edge, says Terence.

And the other one? asks Isidore.

I left Mouldy here. He's got Baby Pierre's bicycle, and if I go back without it, Baby Pierre will knock my brains out.

Was Mouldy at your lunch table in Les Belles Plantes? asks Isidore.

Is that the same as under? asks Terence.

Obviously not, says Isidore. You should have said something sooner. I suppose we'll have to go back.

Yay! says Terence.

They head back to the café.


In Les Belles Plantes, there are people sitting at the relevant table.

Ask them, says Terence.

All right, says Isidore. How shall I put it?

Just put it, says Terence. Say, can I look and see if Mouldy's under your table.

I'll pretend you lost your toy, says Isidore.

Ha ha, laughs Terence. Mouldy, my lost toy.

Isidore approaches the table with Terence.

A thousand apologies for interrupting you in the middle of your late luncheon, says Isidore, but my nephew here...

You said I wasn't your nephew! says Terence.

....has lost his toy, says Isidore. Possibly under this table.

And if I don't get it back I'll get my BRAINS knocked out! says Terence.

The people at the table push their chairs back to let the cruel so-called uncle crawl under their table to look for the toy of the unfortunate nephew.