Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Fruits De Rimu

Baudin and Dufresne are up and about, when Arthur arrives with the whistles.

Gaius thought you might want these, says Arthur.

The two lobster sea captains look at the whistles, pink and yellow.

Thank you, says Baudin, taking the yellow.

I might have wanted the yellow, says Dufresne.

What's wrong with the pink? asks Baudin.

I had yellow before, says Dufresne. 

It doesn't matter, says Arthur. It'll be dark. It's the sound of the whistle that matters.

So Baudin keeps the yellow.

Before you go, Arthur, says Baudin, what do you know about the kakapo?

It's an owl parrot, says Arthur.

An owl parrot, says Dufresne. 

Endangered, says Arthur. That's all I know.

We'd appreciate a description, says Baudin. We don't want to waste our efforts.

Arthur takes his phone out and brings up a photo. 

There's some info under the photo, says Arthur. 

It would be easier if it was in French, says Baudin. 

Arthur types in le kakapo.


The lobsters read the French info.

Joli plumage verte-jaune. Incapable de voler.

Incapable of flying, says Baudin. That's to our advantage.

Finished? says Arthur.

Fini, says Dufresne. You don't have a large box, do you?

With a lid, says Baudin.

And something a kakapo might like to eat, says Dufresne. 

No, says Arthur. What might that be?

How do we know? asks Dufresne. Give me your phone again.

Le kakapo. Mangent quoi?

It take him ages to type in the question.

Finally the answer comes up.

Les fruits de rimu.

Now you know, says Arthur. Good luck finding the fruits de rimu in the winter.

Arthur leaves.

The sea captains look at one another.

Ha! How the kakapo will be tempted, if he thinks that the trap box contains fruits de rimu!

Even if it doesn't.

But finding a box is the problem.

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