Monday, August 23, 2021

Fate Intervenes As Green Jelly

Drat! says Gaius. In helping Rusty out of the hole, I have damaged the elysia.

And me, says Rusty.

What's wrong with you? asks Gaius.

I'm all smeared, says Rusty.

Let's see! says Terence. Yuck, green jelly! 

Most unfortunate, says Gaius. But it appears that I still have the head. This may serve to resolve a dilemma.

Will it grow a new body? asks Terence.

It may, says Gaius. I had not wished to harm the elysia, but fate has intervened.

You squished it, says Bertille.

I don't deny that, says Gaius. But I didn't squish it on purpose. Furthermore, I squished it helping Rusty get out of a hole. 

Lucky you didn't squish the head end, says Bertille.

Indeed, says Gaius. 

He inspects the elysia, much diminished, writhing in the palm of his hand.

Let us hurry up the steps, says Gaius. I need a to find a container.

I'm not coming, says Rusty. I might be forced back to the museum.

And blamed for stealing the ship, says Terence. And put in prison.

I find it's always best to face the consequences of one's actions, says Gaius. 

They all climb up the steps.

At the top, Jean-Claude is waiting, with the museum official.

Gaius, says Jean-Claude, This is Blaise Dupont, from the maritime museum.

Pleased to meet you, says Gaius, but I must dash inside. I have the decapitated head of an elysia to deal with.

Can a head be decapitated? asks Blaise. Surely only a body can lose its head.

This is no time for pedantry, says Gaius. 

He hurries away to the cottage and down the stone stairs.

Rusty's got the body, says Terence. All down his arm. It's like a green jelly.

Blaise looks at Rusty.

Yes it's me. says Rusty. But I'm not going back there.

I'm only here for the ship, says Blaise. Let's see the jelly. Oh yes, a typical sacoglossan. 

That was impressive, says Jean-Claude. It looks like a green smear to me.

An interest of mine, says Blaise. You'll often find me at the Oceanopolis. Have you by any chance paid a visit? 

Not yet, says Jean-Claude.

The children would enjoy it, says Blaise. They have a huge collection of sea creatures, including earless seals, penguins and several shark species.

I'll keep it in mind, says Jean-Claude.

Right then, I'll be going, says Blaise. Now I have verified that the model ship is the correct one, I'll send our guys round to pick it up.

Do you lose many model ships? asks Jean-Claude.

All the time, says Blaise. Ha ha, no, just kidding. And thank you for fixing the holes. You did a great job. 

Not a problem, says Jean-Claude. Glad to be useful.

Blaise turns to go.

See, says Terence. He didn't even want you.

I know, says Rusty.

That's weird, says Bertille. But look on the bright side. You can't be that valuable.

That's the bright side? thinks Rusty

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