Saturday, August 14, 2021

Or Not Two Beetles

Terence has gone off the idea of playing cannot but be.

The old oystercatcher is too good.

But Rusty wants to continue.

Two beetles! says Rusty.

That's not a question, says Terence.

But you can make it a question, says the old oystercatcher.

Okay, says Rusty. 

Two beetles or not two beetles, says the old oystercatcher.

That's still not a question! says Terence.

That IS the question, says the old oystercatcher. 

What's the answer? asks Rusty.

Think, says the old oystercatcher. What's always the answer?

Cannot but be, says Rusty.

That can't be the answer, says Terence.

Why? asks Rusty. It's always the answer.

Cannot but be is SCIENCE, says Terence. It's what Gaius says when he's right.

When he thinks he's right, says the old oystercatcher.

Do you know him? asks Terence.

No, says the old oystercatcher. Who is he?

A man, says Terence. He counts frogs and crabs and sea slugs and birds, and I help him count them.

Then Gaius would know that cannot but be is a perfectly good answer to two beetles or not two beetles, says the old oystercatcher.

Terence is sure he is wrong.

As soon as we get back to shore I'm going to ask him, says Terence.

Yes, says Rusty. We just have to wait for the wind to blow us back there.

Bad luck, says the old oystercatcher. There is no wind forecast until tomorrow morning.

A slight wind moves the sails.....fuuuuur......and subsides again.

Do we have a motor? asks Terence.

Ha ha, laughs Rusty. Did Napoleon have a motor?

This isn't his boat, says Terence.

No, its even older, says Rusty.

It's in good condition, says the old oystercatcher. Except for that leak in the side.

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