Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Just One Otter

This potato soup tastes different, says Gaius.

It's the usual recipe, says Saint Ténénan. Water and potato.

And a pinch of salt, says Saint Arnoc. Perhaps we overdid it.

It's not a salt taste, says Gaius. More like disinfectant.

Surely not, says Saint Arnoc. 

Can I try it? asks Terence.

Should I add some food colour? asks Saint Arnoc.

No thanks, says Terence. I'll stick my finger in Gaius's.

You will not, says Gaius. 

Terence sticks his finger in anyway. Licks it. Offers his finger to Rusty.

I'm not licking that, says Rusty.

Go on, says Terence. Then guess what happened.

Rusty licks Terence's finger.

He guesses what happened.

What happened? asks Saint Arnoc.

We washed the coverlet in the washing up bowl, says Terence. And we used the stuff from the bottle.

Eau Ecarlate! says Saint Arnoc. Were the soup plates still in it?

Yes, says Terence. It was quicker.

And you didn't rinse the soup plates, says Saint Ténénan.

Rinse? says Terence.

That explains that, says Gaius. Not a bad, taste, really.

Bertille comes down the steps.

We're going to the Oceanopolis. Can Terence and Rusty come with us?

Yes! say the adults.

Yay! cries Terence. What's the Oceanopolis?

Lots of aquariums, says Bertille. They have tropical fish, and sharks, and earless seals, and even an otter trail.

Otters! says Terence. Otters are scary.

That was just one otter, says Gaius. They are not all like that.

Like what? asks Rusty.

A shape shifter, says Gaius. We met one once. Where were we...? Edinburgh. It swallowed a coin.

And vomited, says Terence. And if you asked it a question, it said KAWAI.

This is not the type of behaviour most people expect from an otter, but Gaius nods sagely, as if to say, oh yes, these things happened.

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