Friday, April 8, 2022

Proof Of Half Truth

It's not far to Grafton.

Are we there yet? asks Terence.

Nearly, says Sweezus. Call Gaius and ask where he is.

Me? says Terence.

You've got my phone, says Sweezus. You can do it.

Terence presses the phone icon.

Chooses a number.

Ring ring. Arthur's phone rings.

You've called me, says Arthur. 

Where's Gaius? asks Terence.

How should I know? says Arthur. You need to find his number and call him.

I was, says Terence. He might be next.

He finds the next contact. Calls the number.

Hello? says Vello. Sweezus? 

Shit! says Sweezus. The boss! 

It's me, says Terence. Guess what! I've got half a koala.

Terence, says Vello. Half a koala. Was it run over?

No, says Terence. Adopted. Half by me. Want to see a photo?

No....oh, all right, yes, says Vello. Send it.

Terence sees a camera icon, presses it. A photo appears, but it's not the koala. 

He sends it to Vello.

Looks like the back end of the Big Banana, says Vello. 

Wah! says Terence. Why can't I send the koala?

Give me the phone, says Arthur.

Is that you Sweezus? asks Vello. 

No it's me, Arthur, says Arthur. I've got a printed photo of the koala. If you want I'll  send you a copy.

Why on earth would you want to do that? says Vello.

I thought you wanted to see it, says Arthur. It won't take a minute.

He takes  a photo of the printed photo of Ninja, and sends it to Vello.

Very nice, says Vello. Thanks for that. It's not like you to be so helpful.

It's half my koala, says Arthur.

You don't say. And where's Sweezus? asks Vello.

Driving, says Arthur. I'll put you on speaker.

Sweezus could do without that.

Hey boss. How you doing?

We're incredibly busy, says Vello. 

That's good, says Sweezus. 

Why did you call me? asks Vello.

Accident, says Sweezus. Meant to call Gaius. He's somewhere in Grafton, with frogs. We're on our way up to the Gold Coast.

Raining cats and dogs, is it? asks Vello.

Yeah, says Sweezus.

As if to prove the half truth of this, a dog runs into the road.

Screech! Thud. Bugger!

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