Wednesday, April 20, 2022

The Missing And The Not Missing

Terence returns to the camper.

Guess what?

You've done it? says Wittgenstein.

Kind of, says Terence.

I shall go and inspect it, says Wittgenstein.

You can't inspect it, says Terence. 

I don't see why not, says Wittgenstein.

He looks out through the window.

And sees why not.

The Mazda has gone.

They said they'd meet us in Yamba, says Terence.

What's going on? asks Gaius.

It seems Arthur and Sweezus have decided to drive on to Yamba, says Wittgenstein.

Fair enough, says Gaius. We needed a stimulus.

He starts tidying up.

What about my breakfast? asks Unhappy. Where's my curly cabbage?

I though you were better, says Gaius.

Better, but hungry, says Unhappy.

Gaius takes the curly cabbage and slices fine shreds of it into a bowl.

Yummo, says Terence. I bet your stupid crown falls off when you eat it.

Unhappy lowers his head carefully, so that this will not happen.

Let's go, says Wittgenstein. Are we all present?

Except for the horse, says Terence. That's my present. Where is it?

You misunderstand, says Wittgenstein. I referred to the frogs and the parrot.

Don't tell me the frogs and the parrot are missing! says Gaius.

We are not missing! cries Quiet-Tartus, emerging from under a cushion. Are we leaving?

Yes, says Gaius. Heading north, towards Yamba.

Quiet-Tartus slides back under the cushion.

And goes back to sleep.

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