Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Slow Going

You must be the kid who lost the toy horse, says the kitchen hand.

I must be, says Terence. 

Okay, says the kitchen hand. Let's find it.

He lifts out a clean coffee mug. Hands it to Terence.

The coffee mug is warm, but it's empty.

Put it on that rack there, says the kitchen hand.

He hands Terence another one.

This is slow going.

Terence puts the second clean coffee mug  on the rack next to the first one.

Is this it? asks the kitchen hand, pointing at Monty who is under a grid at the bottom, forelegs uppermost.

Terence peers in.

Monty! says Terence.

Stand back, says the kitchen hand. He's jammed.

He forces Monty's forelegs back through the grid.

Now Monty is horizontal, in a puddle of water.

Hurry up with those dishes! shouts someone.

I'll have to unload the rest of the dishes, says the kitchen hand. 

He quickly unloads the rest of the dishes and rushes through to the café.

He does not come back for some time.

I'll get you out, Monty, says Terence.

Monty looks up. How will Terence do it?

Terence reaches in, through and down.

Grasps Monty by the tail, and drags him up sideways.

Monty's tail and bottom are out, but his legs are a problem.

Terence lets go of Monty.

He runs back to the front of the café, and out to the table where Roo-kai and Bronte are sitting. 

He is about to say Guess what, Monty's stuck, come and help me, when a campervan mounts the kerb in front of the Bean Scene, stopping suddenly.

Gaius gets out.

Jumping Jupiter! says Gaius. Thank goodness for bollards! Hello Terence and Roo-kai. Very sensible of you to sit outdoors in front of a café where I could see you

Are you the guardian of this infant? asks Bronte.

You could say that, says Gaius.

Then my job is done, says Bronte. Have a good day.

He leaves.

Who was that? asks Gaius.

Bronte, says Terence. He thought I was missing, but I wasn't.

Of course you weren't, says Gaius. Hop in, we're going back to pick up the others.

Back tracking? says Roo-kai.

Long story, says Gaius. I'll explain on the way, and there's a treat for you, Terence.

If he hadn't said treat Terence might have remembered Monty.

But he doesn't.

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