Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Funny Puppets

When is Hedley going to be in it? asks a boy in the audience.

Not yet, says his mother. He's in the last scene.

Is this the last scene? asks the boy.

This is the second to last scene, says his mother. It's probably the one with the puppets. 

Hedley's mother comes on, in the black hooded costume, holding a placard.

Is that Hedley's mother? whispers one of Hedley's mother's friends.

Yes, whispers another.

It wasn't her before, whispers the first friend.

They must only have one black hooded costume, whispers the other.

Hedley's mother's placard reads: Scene 3: The Deception".

She steps aside to reveal the card table now covered with two blue scarves joined together.

Candide enters.

My dear CunĂ©gonde! says Candide.  How are you my darling?

He steps forward to part the bed curtains.

Why is she under a table? asks a little girl loudly.

Terence who is under the table, with Greedy, pokes his head out.

It's an olden days bed, stupid, says Terence.

The audience laughs. It's the first funny bit. 

Candide pushes Terence's head back under the table with his foot.

Hedley's mother holds Kobo aloft.

Careful what you are doing! says Kobo. 

The audience laughs again.

Speak to me at least, says Candide.

Sorry, says Terence.  

She cannot speak, says Kobo.

What? She just did. The audience doesn't get it. 

Terence pokes Greedy out through the gap in the scarves.

Candide grasps Greedy and weeps.

You said you wouldn't wet me, squeaks Greedy.

Ha ha! laugh the audience. They think they are getting it now. It's one of those plays on two levels.

Candide drops several diamonds onto the plump hand of Greedy.

Greedy withdraws behind the bed curtain, with the diamonds.

Rattle-rattle-roll.......a few diamonds roll out from under the curtain.

Bumhole! says Terence. That wasn't meant to happen.

The audience is in stitches.

They LOVE these funny puppets.

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