Monday, February 5, 2024

I choo....phhh

This is pointless, says David. 

It is, when we don't have the cards, says Gaius.

Work on your dialogue, says Vello.

There is no dialogue, says Belle. Only surreptitious card marking and doleful glances.

Practise the doleful glances, says Vello. 

But it's not us that do them, says Belle. It's the twelve others.

Of whom there are none, says David. I vote we break for a coffee.

Excellent idea, says Gaius. And while you're making it, I'll see to Greedy.

I'm not making it, says David. I'll order it in.

Order macarons as well, says Belle.

And a red drink, says Terence.

Gaius picks up the deflated Greedy.

I don't see how the air got out, says Gaius.

When he talked, says Terence.

But his mouth is drawn on, says Gaius.

There must be a hole somewhere, says Iris. Let me see.

She seizes Greedy, and squeezes him hard.

We need to immerse him in water, says Iris.

We'll have to blow him up first, says Gaius.

And to do that we need to snip off this bin tie, says Iris.

She takes a pair of snippers from a bag she had dumped in the corner.


Greedy is open.

But now the coffee, macarons and red drink have arrived.

Terence drinks his red drink in a hurry .

Picks up Greedy.

Don't worry, Greedy, says Terence. This time I won't use a bin tie.

He blows air into Greedy.

Say something fast, says Terence.

I choo....phhh..says Greedy.

Too slow, says Terence.

Terence, says Belle, that's cruel.

Greedy likes it, says Terence.

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