Monday, February 26, 2024

His Charmed Life

The audience is pouring out of the Piglet.

I guess it's finished, says Nerida. But how come there were little kids there?

Friends of Hedley, says Arthur. He's a kid, so his friends came with their mothers.

You said it was intellectual, says Nerida.

It was once, says Arthur.

Ha ha! laughs someone in passing. That was so funny!

The puppets! laughs someone else. So unexpected.

They always do something new with Candide, says a third person. And apparently they pick excerpts at random.

Another audience member stops and stares hard at Arthur.

Weren't you in it last year?

Possibly, says Arthur.

I remember you! says the audience member. You had that wig on, and were giving out seeds. Why didn't you give out seeds this year?

Last year's seeds were donated, says Arthur. 

Are they the diamonds from the show? asks the audience member. Can I take one?

He can't let you have one, says Nerida. Half of them are already missing.

Bad luck, says the audience member. Should've stuck with free seeds.

Good advice, says Arthur.

Iris comes by.

That went well, says Iris. Oh, you've lost half the diamonds!

He's not taking them back, says Nerida.

What about that video you made of him removing them from the craft shop? asks Iris.

I deleted it, says Nerida. In exchange for a poem.

It seems Arthur lives a charmed life, says Iris. By the way, Arthur, Gaius is looking for you.

Is he? says Arthur.

He is about to slope off, when Gaius appears in his street clothes.

Arthur! says Gaius. Just the chap I was looking for. 

Why? asks Arthur.

There is nothing now holding us back from travelling to Central Queensland, to look for Kroombit Tinker Frogs, says Gaius.

Wow! says Nerida.

You have an interest in frogs? asks Gaius.

Kind of, says Nerida. If HE does.

She indicates Arthur.

Arthur tries to look like someone who might have an interest frogs.

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