Saturday, November 21, 2009

Chicken Wednesday

Pliny was getting her diary up to date, She hadn't written anything since last Wednesday.

Pliny's motto is No Day Without A Line. She took the motto from someone she read about in Brewers. The person lived in classical times and was a painter. So 'line' would have meant something different to him. Pliny likes this.

Pliny hasn't lived up to her motto. After ten years of being fairly strict she let her standards lapse. This coincided with the time she started blogging. However, she still likes to keep her diary looking as though there has been no day without a line.

But last night, she came up against a blank. What had she done last Wednesday? She thought for a minute and couldn't remember anything. She left two lines empty and started writing about Thursday. She knew exactly what she'd done on Thursday. Ditto Friday. And Saturday, which day it currently was.

And now she was faced with the four blank lines for Wednesday. She wrote: What shall I do? I have forgotten everything about this day. I do know it was hot though, and we may have had chicken for tea.

Then in a flood of remorse she added: And we may not.

She thought of the chicken, not properly remembered. She drew a little chicken after the word 'not'. It was a good chicken. It looked feisty. She drew a speech bubble coming out of its mouth. Don't you know? it said.

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