Saturday, November 14, 2009

Spiders Flies Split Bugs and Mirrors

This is the weather for spiders and bugs and flies to come inside. This is the weather for putting off housework.

Therefore the carpet is littered with dead species, some in two parts.

The only way to be sure they are dead is to split them. This can be done by means of the human foot. It is advisable however for the foot to be clad in hard footwear.

After several passes of the footwear over the bug, it will split in two parts, or three. You can leave them in situ. Over time they will shrink into more acceptable deadbug pieces which look like cracked pepper. No one objects to cracked pepper on the carpet, and the pieces can stay there until the hot spell is over.

Of course you can't leave split flies hanging about. Little maggots might come out.

Spiders present another problem. But come to think of it I haven't seen one inside for ages. Except the daddy longlegs in the bathroom several weeks ago. I soon disposed of him and all the legs I could find.

Spiders are tricky. They hide. There is one living behind the outside mirror on the passenger side of our car. I know because there's a web over the mirror. It jiggles in the wind as we drive. It looks very dense because of the mirror. I wonder if this confuses the spider, especially as it's one of those mirrors that makes objects appear further away than they are.

Yes, this must confuse the spider. Coming back from a wander, it sees a double web, a double victim, and a tiny spider self. Ha!

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