Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Square Root of B

The office of the editors of Velosophy is once again a scene of turmoil and indecision.

Le Bon David: That Stephen Hawking is a CLOWN! The square root of B indeed! Square root of Balderdash more likely!

The VeloDrone: We'll be a laughing stock if we print it.

Le Bon David: What do you mean if ?

The VeloDrone: Well, we could always hold it back.

Le Bon David: No it's too late for that, I signed off on it this morning.

The VeloDrone: What! Had you read it?

Le Bon David: Not properly. I just assumed Stephen Hawking would write something tedious and dull.

The VeloDrone: And instead he's introduced some sort of vulgar competition! I'm surprised he didn't offer a prize. A ROOT-B tee shirt to the winner!

Le Bon David: You know, that's not a bad idea. Maybe we should offer a prize ourselves. Show that it was just a bit of light-hearted fun.

The VeloDrone: David, David! Get a grip! We are philosophers.

Le Bon David: Yes, you're right. And our readers are philosophers as well.

The VeloDrone: Exactly. They won't see the funny side at all.

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